Lakeland is dedicated to helping students become successful, not only in achieving their educational goals, but also in maintaining their own well-being.
Relaxation Zones on Campus
Lakeland has created two indoor and two outdoor relaxation zones where students can unwind, de-stress, engage in arts and crafts activities, meditate, and explore wellness apps. The indoor relaxation zones are located in A-2110 and the Lakeland Library. Outdoor relaxation zones are located near the Mindladders sculpture outside Breakers and in the main campus courtyard under the trees.
Other existing wellness zones at Lakeland include the Athletic and Fitness Center, Lakeland Cares Cupboard, H-building third floor greenhouse and rooftop garden, and Mooreland gardens, to name a few. Take some time to explore spaces on Lakelands campus that can contribute to your wellness.
We can all benefit from wellness activities every day, especially during stressful times. Lakeland students are invited to access our online guide that offers a wide range of mental health and resilience information and resources. This collection of reliable and helpful websites and videos was compiled and created by Lakeland's Mental Health Task Force.
View our wellness online resource guide.
Complete our online Student Wellness Interest Form to find out how we can help you enhance your physical, emotional, social, financial, occupational and intellectual wellness. You will receive an email response containing information on campus and community resources specific to the wellness areas you are interested in.
Students completing the form will be entered into a drawing to win a 36 oz. Yeti stainless steel insulated water bottle.
Below is a listing of courses offered at the college to enhance physical, emotional, financial, career, relationship and mental wellness.
Note: As always, students should consult with a counselor and/or financial aid officer to select electives that will support their personal and educational objectives or meet financial aid requirements.
Click or tap here to show/hide the course list.
Skills for Self-Care and Resilience – COUN 1050 (1 credit hour)
This course offers students the opportunity to learn about and try out a variety of activities and practices that promote self-care and resilience. We will explore ways of managing stress, persevering when faced with adversity, and maintaining balance. With the understanding that different strategies work for different people, students will develop a personalized set of skills for lifelong mental wellness.
Questions? Contact Ken Browner at 440.525.7205 or
Free tuition for the first 65 students who enroll summer term and fall semster 2022.
Skills for Self-Care and Resilience – COUN 1906
(1 credit hour)
This course offers students the opportunity to learn about and try out a variety of activities and practices that promote self-care and resilience. We will explore ways of managing stress, persevering when faced with adversity, and maintaining balance. With the understanding that different strategies work for different people, students will develop a personalized set of skills for lifelong mental wellness.
Questions? Contact Ken Browner at 440.525.7205 or
Learn new skills while exercising your creativity.